Saturday, March 19, 2011

Know Thy Self

Many today are not satisfied with Religion and are seeking a better understanding. Some have traveled back to the past to understand what was in hope of finding the truth, but the only place to turn for understanding is within.

In reality it is the Creator (the Source) that lives and move and has being in us.   In ignorance of what you were at your birth, your parents named you, and then proceeded to give being to this person you now believe yourself to be. They programmed you in 'their' image and likeness ... totally oblivious of what manner of being you were created to be. They believed that it was 'they' that created you. They failed to realize that the procreative act is only the means by which Universal Life perpetuates itself as 'man'. 'Man' ... is the only organism on the Planet in which and through which the Source functions as the Source in this world of form. Believing ourselves to be nothing more than mere men is the problem. Every man/woman is nothing more or nothing less than a manifestation of the Source. You ... are the Source embodied, as is every other 'human being' on the face of the Planet. The Source ... is the creator. You ... are this creative being individualized. The John/Jane Doe you believe yourself to be is but an illusion.

“God is, therefore I am”

When 'you' think ... you think it is you (the John Doe) who is thinking. But not so. You could 'think' no matter what your name might be. You could even think quite nicely without a name. When you 'think', you are the Source thinking (the 'Ocean' thinking). Only the Source can think ... and the Source (the thinker) is the 'I' within you. The 'I' that says 'I' am. This is what He who was known as 'Jesus' knew when He said 'I and my Father are one'. Each of us is an individual manifestation of the Creator ... believe it or not!

In ignorance of who and what we really are ...we function as we perceive ourselves to be, and ... as we are creative beings ... we create as we perceive ourselves to be. So ... in ignorance of our relationship to each other ... we ignorantly create the beliefs that divide us. The belief that we are Africans, English men, Russians, Greeks, Jews, Natives, etc., etc., are nothing more than States of Mind.

Nationality is not reality. There is only the Source. Each of us is an individual manifestation of God ... the Creator. We are all One. To speak 'French' does not make you a 'French' man. To speak 'English' does not make you an 'English' man. Language is nothing more than a means of communication. Our language does not constitute the source of our being. To realize all of this in itself does not provide us with the solution unless we take it a step further. When we realize these truths we must act upon them. When you realize that you and God are One ... you will realize that you are already in the 'Kingdom of God' ... for the Kingdom of God is also a state of Mind. It is a State of Knowing that you and God are One ... One and the same. The 'I' within you is the Father. To function in that consciousness is to function AS God. To function as God is to function in the Christ Mind.

The 'Christ' is not an individual person. The 'Christ Mind' ... is the Universal personality personified ... the Divine Mind personified. This is the Truth that the Church has failed to fully comprehend. Thus the necessity for the commandment ... "Ye must be born again". The spiritual rebirth as taught by the worlds evangelical Churches can never lead you into a consciousness of Oneness ... into the 'Christ Mind'. To experience the real Spiritual Rebirth we must make a decision ... a choice. You can either choose to continue to live in your John Doe identity (the illusion), or you can choose to live in your true identity ... in your 'I am that I am' identity. We can never develop a consciousness of Oneness without choosing to live in our 'I am that I am' identity. That identity ... is the true identity of every 'human being' that has ever been born. Each of us is the 'Father' embodied (the Father and the Son are One and the same). One is the Universal and the other is the Universal individualized. In this realization lies the salvation of the human race. Until we choose to live as we were created to live ... as 'Him who is all and in all', there will never be peace on Earth.

Have you been deceived?

If a ‘man’, was nothing more than a mere ‘man’, it would be absolutely impossible for him/her to enter the Kingdom of GOD. Absolutely impossible! However ... a ‘man’ is much more than just a mere ‘human’ being. ‘Man’ is GOD manifesting ... ‘Man’ is GOD embodied ... The ‘Kingdom of God’ is a state of knowing this ... it is a state of mind!

We are connected to this invisible world, this universal organism, as surely as a tentacle is connected to the body of an octopus, only the connection is invisible. Our life is our connection to this universal body; to this universal organism (our source). There is only one body with some six billion ‘human’ tentacles connected to it, yet we all think that we are separate and apart from each other. Of ourselves we have no being, only the source has being. It does not give being to us, it gives being only to itself As us. It is who I am, it is who you are and there is no presence other than ‘Its’ presence

If ‘We’ had been made aware of our relationship to the Universal Mind, (the Divine Mind), as children, perhaps by the time we reached maturity, we may have become so ‘aware’ of being God, that our thoughts might simply materialize the moment we think them.

We can not experience the kingdom of God if we hold to the false belief that we must die to get there. It is a state of Mind, a state of Knowing that the ‘ I ‘ within us is the ‘Father’. This truth will set you free.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


When I started to read about Meditation I quickly realized how much information was available especially from the Buddhists and Hindu faiths. After much confusion I thought I had narrowed it down to what I felt could work for me but then it gets deeper. I am and have always been a seeker of knowledge, a life student in search of truth and a soldier for civil rights.

 How can I dismiss that which I am and focus on “I”. Who am I and what defines it. I have been told by many Guru that there is no need to study, to seek and that I already have everything I need; and I do understand somewhat but if that means do nothing, think nothing, be nothing, want nothing, change nothing, then that would also mean have no concern for no one but yourself and no matter what is going on all around you, just sit quietly and meditate it away. I understand that it’s all mind and the physical aint real but I have three daughters and a aging mother and my mind believes them to be very real. I guess if I were born in India and could go live in some isolated cave this would be fine but my situation doesn’t permit that luxury. I have so much more to learn and the study of Buddhism has been the knowledge that’s given me the most peace but I also understand that we are to take that which helps us to grow and it may not be the whole pie just a slice.