Friday, December 24, 2010

Arms wide Open

I have been guilty of accepting ideas and concepts without doing enough research and overlooking racial remarks by supposed Spiritual Teachers. Often times when people look like us we tend to want to accept what they are offering as truth but this is not about race or skin color and we cannot allow family or friends to influence our thinking.

A hate group is a hate group no matter what they claim to justify preference over another race. When we get down to the truth of the matter isn’t it your soul, your spirit you are concerned about? We accept this illusion on this level of existence and listen to all the noise about Egypt/Kemet, other gods, we are higher than the gods, Ancestors worship and folks claiming to be Hebrew Israelites, gods chosen, not inner standing that there are no chosen, special, superior race of people or any need to look to the past or honor or worship any thing. Is it so hard to realize that slavery was man’s greed and just so happen the dark peoples got the bad end of the stick. This was not a curse from god and we are not a cursed race waiting to be redeemed.

The biggest problem I think is we need to get out of that old ancient book and research the truth. I have been mislead and hurt by “my people” the blind misleading the blind. But now that my eyes are open I cannot go back to accepting that type of so called Metaphysics as higher knowledge, it will only prevent me from moving forward and ascension would never be possible.

So I said all that to open the door to Think II with a new format and better resources.

Much Peace and Love