Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Snake In The House

I can remember as a child growing up thinking that God lived in the physical place called Heaven up above the clouds so high we cannot see it but we will go there when we die. Although primitive thinking there is one aspect of prevalence; understood was that the body, the flesh must be dead to move on to the other side.
I focus this discussion on the flesh, on the body as I feel this is the perfect time to closely look at what we are implying when we believe that what you put into the body while in this physical state, will somehow have some effect, some transformance boost or awareness to the other side.

It is my innerstanding that we are corporeal, defined as “having consisted of or relating to the physical.” Born from another human being. That part of you must remain, has no purpose or possible purpose in any other existance, and you say, I know that…..Then riddle me this. If Mono atomic gold which is just very fine, refined, compressed and composed minerals, from the earth, what the hell do you think you will be receiving, you will be planting yourself to stay on the earth, you will alter the molecular structure to say I want be a rock and that’s what you will get. Charlie Brown.

The earth can’t get you to heaven or your higher self, Nothing from this earth can guide you to that place that’s already within you, and you say, I know that…..
Then tell me why are you so easily swayed by snake oil salesmen? why do you need something to validate what you know inside to be real, Let all the Bullshit go and be better selective of what takes up your time.

There are no majick words, no pills, or powders, all this world is mind. You don’t have to pray, meditate, chant or do anything to get you closer to that place where you know you are most happy. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with trying to connect with the earth’s energy, we as material beings are connected to that which we are substance of. I’m simply saying anything superficial or artificial can only mimic the real thing. you can’t change what already is and will be, it and you have existed since the beginning of creation.

Someone mislead us into thinking we have super powers we don’t yet know about but can develop and collectively change the world. Now I must admit that sounds nice for those who believe we came here for such a purpose but in my opinion I think not. We are Human, made of physical flesh, we have effect on other human beings and it does not have to be collectively, this is our super power while down here on this plane. We can effect and be effected by things physical because we are that, but the things of the spirit never manifest outwardly you can only get to it from within. If while on physical substances for the purpose of boosting your conciousness I feel the material and physical will clash and cause unpredictable disasters as you have an imposter in the house and he will be found out and destroyed, you say how?,
We are talking about the Devine Mind when we talk about heaven, the psyche where the do not enter sign is red and very old. It’s all God, we know that, but we also know it is highly complex.

But for some damn reason someone let it out the bag that it’s possible to go there and now you are buying all kinds of trips to a place and you don’t know what you’re getting into or if your ass won’t end up sitting on your Momma’s porch waiting on a crazy check.

See it for what it is, don’t try to force your way in, your time is for you only, when you are spiritual ready, moving too fast can set you back several life times and if all lives are up, this is your last time around.

The Elixir of Life or Just a Lie?

So how do they sell it to the masses? Bribe them with immortality and tell them they can become like "gods." The more one drinks, snorts, or consumes this white powder gold they will develop a glowing aura about them. They will look like they are glowing, this is what they mean by "illuminated."

Formulated myrrh and selling it to the public as the fountain of youth promising immortality, longevity of life, and a newer, better, healthier, body is the new lie. Those already brainwashed by these buzzwords from the New Age camp should ask themselves, where's the proof? Since this is an alleged ancient technology and herbal medicine formulated into a powder or drink, where are the humans on earth who are 200, 500, or even 1,000 years old who are living examples of the wonders of mono atomic gold?

It's a charade folks. It's a lie. All they can do is mimic, imitate, and copy the Most High as they attempt to deceive mankind any way they can so they can conquer, control, and destroy the earth.

Don't fall for it!

I am Elijah’s Daughter.

If you would like more information on the subject read the Watcher Files.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's A New Year

Well we are still here, I admit the weather is unstable but the sky is not falling and we still have work to do. So lets get to it.

For 2011 the focus will be on The Resistance Network as we help those who have been mislead to areas that have slowed the ascension process through deception. This Blog will make available information and resources to get you back on track. We all know we don’t have much time so if you don’t already have it, here is the link to the Resistance.
Sign up and start downloading the free books and watching the videos. Brother Sevan drops real heavy knowledge, do your research for yourself so you may know thy self.

Sevan with the Resistance Earth - An Amazing Story by Innerstanding

Wholeness and Universalism.